Friday, February 8, 2019

Lesson 4: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

Lesson 4: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

        Knowing how to use a spreadsheet is a must  for it plays a vital role in performing formula based arithmetic and calculations, and other activities that may require mathematical calculations. This is very essential to me as an ABM student because it can make my life easier when presenting statistical datas in more visual way. Spreadsheets are made up of columns, rows, and cells. Columns have alphabetical headings, starting with A, B, C, and so on. After the 26 letters of the alphabet, Excel starts the column headings with AA through AZ, and then starts again with AAA through ZZZ and so on. I've also come to know the formulas such as =Sum(range), =Average(range), =COUNTIF (range, criteria), =SUMIF (range, criteria), =AVERAGEIF (range, criteria) to compute and to get certain ranges of data. 

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