Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Lesson 10: ICT as Platform for Change

Lesson 10: ICT as Platform for Change

      Since Lesson 10 is all about ICT as platform for change, I learned that it pertains to the changing of communication and technology through out the history of the Philippines and overcoming the crisis in the government aspect. It is also about the various types of platform for change used  during campaigns against the government such as Radyo Veritas for People Power Revolution, text brigades for EDSA Dos and for Million People March.
    In addition from what I have learned in this lesson is that ICT is not only about exchanging information, communication and  technology in the present and in future time but also how it  evolved through out the history. The advancement of ICT had a great impact in our history that helped to change the Philippines in the crisis during campaigns against the government in the past.

     The site is where an individual can take an online personality test and can predict what type of personality a person have. It also describe how people belong to a specific personality type are likely to behave and to understand oneself and its relationships with other people. The test is interactive because it allows the user to decide if the person agrees to the statements or not and helps to know what kind of personality the user has. As for me, it came up with the result that I am a consul. According to it, consuls are altruists and they take their responsibilities to help seriously and would always want to do the right thing. I think the site is trustworthy and trying it out is worthwhile. For me, it is believable because most of the information and behavior they have stated regarding my personality  is true.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Lesson 9: Interactive Multimedia

Activity for lesson 9

Sa Ilalim Ng Puting Ilaw Challenge With A Twist

Lesson 9: Interactive Multimedia

      Lesson 9 is all about Interactive Multimedia where you can use different types of media like sound, audio, video, text, animations and computer graphics and I've learned in this lesson how to utilize a video as we made our own vlog.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Lesson 8: Collaborative ICT Development

Lesson 8: Collaborative ICT Development

        This lesson was about Collaborative ICT Development and I was able to understand the web portal and the advantages of using online collaborative tools and how it can effectively monitor group tasks. A web portal, like, is a website that contains information from different sources. News, e-mail, weather conditions and a lot more are found in the page of My knowledge about online collaborative tools widened as I also tried to use of it, but most of the time it is used by organizations or business-related people. The examples of online collaborative tools that I tried are WordPress, Microsoft Office Online, where I usually make my file documents and presentations, and Google Docs, Sheets and Slides.

Lesson 7: Online Platforms as Tools for ICT Content and Development

Lesson 7: Online Platforms as Tools for ICT Content and Development

        In this lesson, which is about the Online Platforms as Tools for ICT Content and Development, I gained the knowledge regarding the different online platforms and their purposes. We use the Internet along with online platforms almost everyday in our lives to share information and to do/learn new things. With the use of online platforms, it can also increase our learning abilities and publish plans and other resources online that enables other users to access them. Facebook and Twitter are the examples of social media which allows people and organizations to create, share information, ideas, pictures and videos. Blogging is also a type of online platform that focuses on the content and usually looks like a newsletter where the user is given options to change the design to their liking. The examples of blogging are the Tumblr, WordPress and Blogger (the site that I am using).
        With the similarities of Microsoft Powerpoint, there are certain Presentation/Visualizations that can be used online like Prezi and Slideshare. I also learned that there are cloud computing sites such as Dropbox and Google Drive where the user can keep his/her files safe online, synced, and easy to share. Creating a web page (e.g. Wix and Weebly) which you can make your own is also a part of the online platforms. Storing and converting files can be done through online with zamzar and word2pdf.
         Finally, with the modern technology, anyone can search and map out the places they want to go with the use of Google Maps. Indeed, this lesson has really helped me a lot concerning the things I do online. 

Friday, February 8, 2019

Lesson 6: Imaging and Design for Online Environment

Lesson 6: Imaging and Design for Online Environment

        In this lesson, I was able to understand  basic principles of graphics and layout and even created a simple infographics with the use of The basic principles of graphics and layout are balance, emphasis, movement, pattern, repetition, and rhythm, proportion, and variety. With the principles of graphics and  tips on how to edit images, I have successfully made a simple infographics. 

This kind of images and others as well can be uploaded and shared to image hosting platforms and one of them is the Instagram which most of the people use to share, communicate and see others' images and videos nowadays. 

Lesson 5: Advanced Presentation Skills

Lesson 5: Advanced Presentation Skills

        Probably, the Microsoft PowerPoint is the most used presentation software. A presentation software is an application software that allows user to create visual aids for presentations to communicate ideas, messages, and other informations to a group. As for my experience with a presentation software, it is really beneficial because most of the performance tasks that we do in school requires a visual presentation and even when having a research/thesis defense. In this lesson, I learned that creating a visual presentation is not just as it is. Having an effective presentation requires minimization (keeping the slide counts to a minimum to maintain a clear message and to keep the audience attentive), clarity (avoids being fancy by using font style that is easy to read), simplicity (using bullets ans short sentences), visual ( using graphics to help in your presentation but not too many to distract the audience), consistency and contrast. The use of hyperlinks can also be a help in making a good and effective presentation. Hyperlink is a link from a hypertext file or document to another location or file, typically activated by clicking on a highlighted word or image on the screen.It links to different options such as Existing File or Web Page, Place in This Document, Create a New Document and  E-mail Address. 

Lesson 4: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

Lesson 4: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

        Knowing how to use a spreadsheet is a must  for it plays a vital role in performing formula based arithmetic and calculations, and other activities that may require mathematical calculations. This is very essential to me as an ABM student because it can make my life easier when presenting statistical datas in more visual way. Spreadsheets are made up of columns, rows, and cells. Columns have alphabetical headings, starting with A, B, C, and so on. After the 26 letters of the alphabet, Excel starts the column headings with AA through AZ, and then starts again with AAA through ZZZ and so on. I've also come to know the formulas such as =Sum(range), =Average(range), =COUNTIF (range, criteria), =SUMIF (range, criteria), =AVERAGEIF (range, criteria) to compute and to get certain ranges of data. 

Lesson 10: ICT as Platform for Change

Lesson 10: ICT as Platform for Change       Since Lesson 10 is all about ICT as platform for change, I learned that it pertains to t...